Find a coach that supports your process - then change, improve, and repeat

We've all heard the criticisms: Work harder, change this, change that, keep pushing through, you are not finished.
I would say there comes a point where all the drive to improve and achieve becomes meaningless. So much work and so much energy to never achieve perfection.
Our achievements become meaningless because we think there is a destination where we have to arrive and no matter how much we try, we never seem to get there.
But perfection is not a final destination. Perfection is a process of infinite change.
~ To be perfect is to change often ~
There is only one destination that I am certain about in life. That destination is death.
Everything else in life - our job, finances, friends, spirituality, knowledge, growth - has the unlimited potential of taking us to unimaginable places.
In order to allow life to take us to those places, we must first learn to trust the process and to be open to the changes in our life.
When we learn to appreciate each moment of the process and value its significance, we gain a greater understanding of who we are becoming.
That awareness helps us in becoming the best-version-of-ourselves as we embrace the changes we encounter in our lives.
~ Find your coach ~
One of the benefits I found about having a coach, mentor or teacher in life who cares about your process of improvement, is the fact that they provide the encouragement and truth to help you become the best-version-of-yourself.
Having that unwavering support from a coach or friend is my definition of perfection.
And when you have that side-kick by your side, the process of change becomes a whole lot more bearable.
Find a coach that supports your process - then change, improve, and repeat. The road to perfection is not a destination. The road to perfection involves enjoying the process to becoming the best-version-of-yourself.
What are your thoughts? I would love to hear from you. Let's connect!
Trust the process
Live the commitment