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To trust the process and live the commitment you have to develop GRIT

It has been a month since I created my "goal board" on the wall where I can see it everyday. As I was reflecting on this month's progress, I was reminded of a book I read long ago by Angela Duckworth called Grit.

If you have never heard of her or her book, I highly recommend you check her out (see video below). Angela is a well-researched writer who speaks from her own experience and with a heart full of transparency and passion.

In her book, Angela reflects on how grit is one of the strongest driving forces that allows individuals to achieve the impossible. Grit is the driving force for our success. Grit is passion and perseverance.

According to her, "grit is living life like it's a marathon, not a sprint".

To me, that means grit is having the ability to trust the process and live the commitment to accomplish what you believe in and what you have set your mind and heart to do day-in and day-out for many, many years.

Looking at my "goal board" everyday this month, I have to admit that at times it was hard for me to trust the process and live the commitment. I felt doubt and disappointment.

Because I have set myself up to accomplish various goals in the next months and years that are set to stretch me, I feel afraid. But I also feel enthusiastic. I feel uncomfortably excited.

During those times when I felt doubt and disappointment, because I was tired, I had failed, or I felt out of control, I sought to remind myself of the excitement to accomplish my goals.

And I got up again. To practice. To learn. To do. To experiment. To discover. To uncover the truth.

I am seeking to develop my grit.

I am seeking to strengthen my passion and perseverance.

I am seeking to become a marathon runner.

Nothing is going to happen in a sprint. Nothing that is truly worthwhile is going to happen in an instant.

Great works - original and tremendous innovations - are the results of a lifetime of commitment.

Grit is what allows individuals to create those works of art. And I am working on creating my own masterpiece. What about you?

To hear more about grit and its power, check out Angela's TedTalk down below. She is an amazing speaker!

Feel welcome to reach out and connect. I would love to hear from you!

Trust the process, Live the commitment

Houston, TX

United States

©2025 by (Out of Comfort)

Photographer | Student of Life | Writer

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