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A Poem: The Softness of The Keys

the softness of the keys

they speak to the longing

inside our hearts

when words fail to express

the depths

the holes

the burning

the quenching

hidden deep


we cannot see

the softness of the keys

one, two, many more

giving life to a soul

or is bringing it out


already there, it was

waiting for its time

to pierce


and entrance

the little hearts?

the softness of the keys

their touch

unforgettable through time

their smell

lingering even after the aftermath

their taste

sticking the little pieces to create one

their vision

giving flight to the never-ending dialogue

inside our hearts

the softness of the keys

ever through time

chanting a greater Truth

that is invisible and yet seen


all the while

transcending our minds and hearts

so that we may not forget

the goodness

of a time

long, long


and that is yet

to come

--- ~ ---

Trust the process. Live the commitment

Houston, TX

United States

©2025 by (Out of Comfort)

Photographer | Student of Life | Writer

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