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Transformation: Are you the student or the fool?

The other day, I heard someone utter a phrase that made me stop and think.

It made me think about what it actually looks like when you dare to step outside of your comfort zone.

More often than not, you might end up "looking" like a fool.

When you choose courage over fear and step into the unknown to "try it out and figure it out", you are seen as an amateur who might not always get everything right.

People will say that you look like a fool for taking such risks or putting yourself in a situation or environment you "were not meant to be in".

But that foolishness is only temporary:

"Your willingness to be a fool is a precursor to your transformation"

Choosing to be a fool - to be an apprentice or to be curious or to be open - is not a weakness but a strength. It shows bravery and a commitment to growth.

Choosing to be a fool is choosing to be a student.

Said a little differently,

"Your willingness to be a student of life is a precursor to your transformation".

The REAL fool is the one who chooses to stop listening.

The real fool chooses to stop listening to their heart, their intuition, their mentors, and their loved ones. The real fool stops trusting the process of development and becomes someone who thinks has control.

And control cannot lead to complete transformation.

Transformation can only happen when you want to experience growth and become a better-version-of-yourself.

That is the ultimate reward.

And the price you have to pay for that transformation is being willing to be "seen" as a fool as you dare to step outside of your comfort zone and follow the light in your heart.

You have to learn to value and appreciate becoming a student of life.

My goal, then, is to strive to always move towards having the attitude and mindset of the student.

I want to follow the light in my heart.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind"

- Romans 12:2

Trust the process. Live the commitment

Houston, TX

United States

©2025 by (Out of Comfort)

Photographer | Student of Life | Writer

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