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Be intentional - "Activity" vs "Action"

"For an exercise or workout to be functional, it must resemble the event being trained for as closely as possible"

If you were training to become an Olympic swimmer, you would probably spent most of your days inside a pool... swimming... a lot. If you were thinking of becoming a writer, your best shot at becoming really good would be to simply write...ALL the time (about anything and everything!).

I think most of us have heard the quote from above also said in another way: If you want to do something, JUST DO IT.

It seems very straightforward, but we all fail somewhat at doing just that. And there are a variety of reasons.

Sometimes, we are afraid. We might fear that it has to be perfect, or that people might not like it, or that maybe we don't know how to start. This fear whispers, "Not today. Leave it for tomorrow." We are afraid of failing and so fill our time with activities that distracts us.

Other times, we say we have no time. We tell ourselves that there are other more important things we must do. These busts of activities in our lives surround us in a cloud of anxiety and desperation, blinding us to the real intentions of our hearts.

And often times, we just don't trust ourselves. Because we don't have enough faith in our own dreams and goals, we seek to fill our value with activities that we think will prove we are enough. We fill up our cup without being intentional about what it is that we are drinking.

Keep Your Sight

Don't lose your sight about what is important for your dream.

And don't let others blind you to the whispers of your heart.

When reflecting on your day-to-day, ask yourself about the intentionality of your day and how your actions resemble that which you aspire to become.

Are you seeking to fill your days with activities that you hope will fill your heart with "enoughness" or lead you to have a sense of purpose?


Are you seeking to fill your days with actions that are intentional and created from the longings in your heart? Actions that will train you to become that which you aspire to be? Actions that will give you a platform to exercise (and fail)?

Whether your goal is to become a CEO, to be in a relationship, to write music, to paint, to be a better mother, to be a better friend, to write a book, to pray or meditate, or to become better at giving presentations, YOU MUST PRACTICE.

You must be willing to let yourself be put in the action scene.

Run towards your fears, prioritize your actions, and trust in yourself.

You only get one life to try it out.

Trust the process. Live the commitment

Houston, TX

United States

©2025 by (Out of Comfort)

Photographer | Student of Life | Writer

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