Secrets from the Martial Arts for Daily Life

Fitness to me is intrinsically connected to my martial arts experience: It is a lifestyle of continuous learning and teaching.
Fitness to me is something that is as common as brushing my teeth or taking a shower everyday: It's a part of who I am.
So for today's post, I wanted to share with you a page from one of the martial arts books that I love reading and that inspires me to keep going everyday.
The book is titled, "Bow to Life - 365 Secrets from the Martial Arts for Daily Life" by Joseph Cardillo.
Here it goes:
Be Amused by Your Strengths and by Your Weaknesses
"Whenever you learn a new technique, you feel that sense of clumsiness you felt as a novice. But this feeling keeps life interesting. Mastering clumsiness generates confidence and satisfaction! Martial arts teach you to embrace these moments as opportunity for personal growth. Sometimes beginners are so hard on themselves that what develops is a lack fo confidence and lowered self-esteem. This leads to a loss of calm, an increase in stress, and a weakening of spirit. Some people eventually stop trying new things. Resisting life's flow, of course, is in opposition to the martial way. Indeed, according to ancient practices, there were no black belts - only white. As tradition tells it, with years of training, the white belts would soil, eventually turning black. Then, after many more years of training, the fabric would fray and in time the belts would turn to white again. The cycle from weakness to strength, from beginner to master, would continue over and over. How beautiful it would be to be brought up this way from infancy. We all move from beginner to master many times in the Earth dojo as well. Our job is to enjoy the process."
Whether you have eagerly started working out, are just about to finish or start school, are about to have a baby, are working on a big project at work, have just failed an exam, or are just in the process of getting your business going - don't forget to treasure and embrace every part of that process: The unknown, the decision-making part, the failures, the successes, the unpredictability of events, the joy of comfort. That is where the magic can be found.
You will always be a work in process learning new things everyday, if you choose have that kind of mindset, of course.
Dare to live each day as if it was your last and to make the most out of any circumstances.
Dare to see. Dare to be open. Dare to embrace.
Trust the process. Live the commitment